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Tactical Handgun II Firearms Training

Tactical Handgun II

Course Description:

​This course was specifically designed to be a follow up course to our Tactical Handgun I Course, which covers the more basic tactical handgun skills needed as a foundation.  This course is for the shooter who wants to challenge their abilities and truly test themselves.  Shooters will be put in unconventional shooting positions that are practical and could be used in real world scenarios.

This course is a full six hours of intensive firearms training, practice and application of learned skills.  Below are the covered topics.

  • Review of gun safety and shooting fundamentals

  • Drawing from the holster

  • Moving and shooting

  • Reloads (slide lock and tactical) and malfunctions

  • Tactical use of cover and generally developing proficiency with the handgun under stress.

  • One-handed, master and support hand manipulations

  • Unorthodox shooting positions (prone, urban prone, supine, seated)

  • ​Shooting around cover

  • Multiple targets

  • Off line of attack

  • Adverse angles

  • Standing and walking turns

  • Multiple shots/recoil management

  • Long-range engagements

  • The balance of speed & precision

  • Defensive and retention shooting 

  • Concealed use

  • Basic house movements and one-person structure clearing


Ammunition Requirement:

500 rounds handgun ammunition


Required Equipment:

  • Handgun 9mm-45ACP

  • Minimum three high-capacity (15+ round) magazines or six low-capacity (7-8 rd) magazines

  • Belt, holster and magazine pouch (holster and mag pouches must be hard plastic (kydex) and retain equipment while moving and shooting)

  • Concealment holster or and concealment garment

  • Appropriate clothing for the season and unconventional shooting positions (suited to strenuous activity)

  • Knee and elbow pads strongly recommended

  • Ear protection (electronic preferred)

  • Eye protection

  • Water​


Course Prerequisites:

Due to the physical demands of this course, Tactical Handgun I or an Equivalent Advanced Handgun Course required.


1 student                                                                       $475.00 
2 students                                                                     $275.00 
3 or more students and open enrollment courses        $225.00 

Maximum class size of 15

All courses require a $50.00 deposit.

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